Sunday, January 31, 2016

Dream it to earn it

Dreams are the bread and butter of the business world. Every business has a dream behind it. People always dreamt of flying and today we have spectacular flying machines fulfilling these dreams. A business is almost like a miracle as the kind of things it achieves can be much beyond what humans can ever dream. 
The businesses and machines of today outlast the humans in time and strength. When a human dreams he is auto-suggesting to the subconscious something very profound. And when we talk of the subconscious we are moving into the realm of the soul.
We all know well that the living bodies are very temporary. Still the lasting impact of these bodies on the Earth and the environment is extraordinary. Buildings, machines, software & artificial intelligence which has power to achieve and compute such awesome figures and numbers, all these could not come into existence without the power of dreams and vision.
To dream is to be creative as it surpasses the human limits. We still have a long way to go as  even the size of the universe is unfathomable by the human mind. It is still tottering with the mysteries of this universe without and within - the Macro & the Micro. The Cosmos is the ultimate playground for the human soul and the body. Life is not a mystery or a net of Maya but the game of Maya where the playground is unlimited and the dreams have the power to transcend and channelize this frustrating limitlessness or limitedness into something within reach of all of us.

So the subconscious is like a common point between all living beings. Today we see even mediocre people savouring the fruits of all that the big businesses have achieved. A business by its definition brings together a team of organized like minded humans and unleashes their creativity into something so powerful that its almost divine. After all only Gods or birds can fly. So dream and be happy and positive only.

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